Actions to take to ensure that your WordPress site is as secure as possible
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Hi there,

One of our missions at WP Engine is to ensure that your WordPress website is as secure as possible. To that end, we continuously update our platform to protect against malware and other attacks. Further, we regularly evaluate security best practices to ensure we’re delivering an uncompromising experience. The reality is that security is an ongoing imperative.

As part of this imperative we recommend that you review our recent blog post which was also featured in our customer newsletter last week:  “15 Ways To Harden The Security Of Your WordPress Site.” Security is a shared responsibility, so please do take the time to implement these best practices to reduce your chance of being affected by a security incident or malicious attack.

As an additional measure we ask that you take a moment to update the following information, in case we need to reach you for important system or security notifications:

  1. Review & Update Your Designated Technical Contacts in the User Portal
    To ensure the right person within your organization is receiving technical or emergency notifications about a specific install, please take a moment to ensure your designated Technical Contacts, and their contact information, are correct in the WP Engine User Portal. This article details how Account Owners can manage these preferences.
  2. Subscribe to Our Status Page
    To receive system-wide notifications from WP Engine involving any service interruptions that may occur, we recommend that you take a moment to subscribe to our Status Page.

At WP Engine, we’re committed to the performance and security of your sites. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us—we’re here to help 24/7.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.

With regards,


Tina Dobie, WP Engine